Saturday, February 11, 2012

Update on the Remote Control Trial

I try to be transparent about how it's going as I learn the publishing game. Last week, mid-week, I offered Remote Control: What You Want When You Say What You Want for free with the thought that the "alsobots" (customers who bought X also bought Y) would kick in before the weekend and before Valentine's Day, netting a boost in sales.

It turns out that just a few hours ago today (Saturday afternoon), my second round of alsobots were updated. So far, no post-free sales, but I expect that to pick up. What I've noticed though:

  • Going free mid-week in February didn't generate as much activity as going free in January with "The Hen Party".  Down about 25% in free downloads in the US, and about 30-40% in Europe.
  • I'm concerned that some of the Amazon system glitches may have affected performance slightly, although it is more likely it is a difference in the combination of the work itself and the time of the trial.
  • Placement on the alsobot lists isn't quite as good in terms of being on the first page or two (presumably due to lower free trial sales), but the quality of associated works is higher.
  • I think the slightly higher price ($1.29), the different cover (more detailed and interesting, but less visually arresting in thumbnail form) and the long title may hurt a bit.
The best time for erotica sales and borrows appears to be Saturday through Monday, so the verdict won't be in until sometime next week.  Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, the glitchy sales updates have allowed me to make great progress on my first erotic novella where I enter the world of "The Hen Party" and go even deeper into the lives of those crazy Christian wives gone wild.  Look for a release sometime before the end of the month.

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